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Video tutorial to Scoutbook

Logging in to Scoutbook for the first time

Parents need to be connected to their Scouts and invited to participate in Scoutbook by the unit Scoutbook administrator. This may have happened automatically by the system if you are on your child’s application as a parent or have either entered an application online or logged into If you have done either of those, go to scoutbook and login using your credentials. You should see your Scout on your dashboard. If you have never logged into my.scouting before go to and create an account. Then use the credentials (userID and password) you create there to login to scoutbook.

If not:

If you are not sure if that has happened, please contact your unit. If needed, the unit your Scout belongs to will connect you to your Scout in Scoutbook. When they do, you will receive an invitation email from your unit. If you did not get an invitation, notify your Scoutbook unit administrator and they can send you one. If they need assistance, they can see our unit getting started guide here.


If you have a Scoutbook account or a My.Scouting account you can attach yourself to your scout. Log into Scoutbook at, with your Scoutbook or account credentials then navigate to My Dashboard -> Administration -> My Account -> My Connections and click the new “Connect to your Scout” link. The search requires the Scout’s BSA Member ID, last name, zip code (as recorded in Scoutbook) and date of birth. Once the Scout is found and confirmed, you will be connected to your Scout with Full Control. Your unit leaders can give you the member ID for your Scout.

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