Pinewood Derby
Information about the Pinewood Derby 2024!
Gabriel Memorial Field!
If you have not made a car for Pinewood Derby yet, come at 4PM and we will do our best to get you something together. We want to make sure every scout feels included. :)
- Volunteers are arriving at Gabriel Memorial Field at 2 PM for track setup.
- Check in starts at 4 PM intended for cars which need a lot of work. It's fine to show by 5:30 PM if you car needs little if any work. We will accept cars until 6:15 PM (please call Nelson before this time if you run into an unavoidable delay).
- Dinner will be served at 6 PM thru 6:30 PM. Please bring a dessert time to share with everyone if you are able.
- Races will start at 6:30 PM!
- We will have a few games and voting on Most Creative, Cutest, and Most Realistic cars!
- We hope to be wrapped up by 7:30 PM with cleanup done by 8 PM.
See you there!
Every scout will recieve a pinewood derby car and 4 ounces of wieght. If you plan on using different wieght, please return the included weights so we can use them for future cars Thank you!
Purchase Food for Pinewood Derby!
Pinewood derby meal purchase has closed / frozen. If you would still like to order call or text Nelson. Thank you!
Other information about Pinewood Derby
We will be using the Pinewood Derby 2023 rules set out by the district.
- Get your car as close to 5 ounces as possible without going over.
- Try to keep your car approximately the same size.
- The nose must touch the starting gate mechanism at the same distance from the front wheel axel as all other cars.
For details rules see this document or the link to the district page below.
Learn more about Pinewood Derby here!
Award and Prize Categories
To be announced! Check back soon!