2024 Hook Arrow Shell
This is a district event. More detailed information can be found at the following link, but please register thru the Pack at this page so we can pay as one pack which is the preferred registration method: district event link.
This can be a day or camping overnight experience. Campers will arrive after 5:30 PM on Friday night or with day scouts before 8:30 AM on Saturday. Food will include Friday Night snack, three meals and snack Saturday, and cold breakfast Sunday. Day trip scouts, youth, and adults can also purchase lunch or lunch+dinner meals.
Please see form for payment below. Note you can choose the amount of fees charged by selecting "Other". Zeffy is a nice platform which permits us to accept online payments. You can also directly access the form thru the link here.
You can also remit payment at meetings or mail cash with detailed information or checks to :
Pack 76 c/o Nelson Brown2420 Columbia Rd,
Mays Landing, NJ 08330